Check e-mails.
Easily detect incorrect addresses.
"Mail Delivery System - Undelivered mail return to sender". Does this message in your inbox sound familiar? Then there is no more time to waste to do something for the quality of your stored e-mail addresses. With Uniserv e-mail validation, this is very easy!
Quick Facts about our email validation:
- Fast & flexible integration.
- Smooth email delivery.
- High deliverability for email-based campaigns.
- Filtering out spam addresses.
Check it out & test our mail validation
Test and discover our Data Quality Services from the cloud in Uniserv CONNECT free of charge and without obligation. Interactively check address, contact, company and bank data. What to expect:
- 100 free requests. Test all services extensively & free of charge.
- API documentation. All integration & interface details.
- Discover & try out. Clear examples of different use cases.
- Questions? Our experts are ready to help you.
Optimal e-mail communication with your customers.
With the e-mail check from Uniserv, your e-mails arrive safely.
Nowadays, the e-mail address is just as important in communication between companies and their customers, suppliers, partners and other contacts as the postal address. Especially in the age of social media and digital identity, it is no longer possible to imagine private and business communication without it. To reach your existing and potential customers, suppliers or partners, correct e-mail addresses are indispensable. Be it when entering e-mail addresses in CRM systems or when a customer registers via a web form or online portal: We support you at various points and adapt the solution individually to your needs. We also make it easy for you to integrate it into your existing system landscape. It is possible to integrate Uniserv e-mail validation into your company processes via a REST API, for example into many and above all common CRM and ERP environments. Alternatively, you can check your e-mail addresses quickly and conveniently via the cloud portal Connect from Uniserv.
How does our e-mail verification work?
For optimal email communication with customers, suppliers and partners, you need correct email addresses. Email validation checks whether the email address is formatted correctly and whether the domain even exists. In this way, you ensure that your processes around e-mail communication run smoothly.

Validation of the syntax:
Is the email address formatted correctly?
Irregular characters and character strings are compared and recognized using various RFC standards. An error message occurs, for example, if two dots are used in succession or certain special characters are used within the address. Also if, for example, a dot is detected as the last character before the @, our tool raises an alarm.

Validation of the domain:
Does this domain even exist?
The subsequent domain check validates the part of the e-mail address after the @ sign. This determines whether the domain exists and whether a mail server is available, i.e. whether the domain can receive e-mails at all. If both criteria have been checked successfully, the domain check is considered complete.

Validation of the mailbox:
Can the e-mail be delivered?
The last step is to check whether the local part of an e-mail address, i.e. the part before the @ sign, is present at the respective mail server. Thus, you verify that an e-mail can be sent to the specified address without errors.

Optional components:
Can addresses be filtered out?
You want to filter out private email addresses or spam addresses from your database? No problem. With our e-mail check, you simply compare the respective domain with selected selection lists, e.g. also lists with the most common freemail providers, disposable or group addresses.
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